• Publications

AIPCE-CEP Alliance on Reform of Common Fisheries Policy 2010

WWF and Industry Leaders join forces to save European fisheries...

  • Publications

AIPCE-CEP Contribution to Green Paper on Reform of Common Fisheries Policy 2010

In the context of the current consultation on the Green Paper on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP hereinafter), AIPCE-CEP stresses that...

  • Publications

AIPCE-CEP comments as regards EC proposal against IUU 2008

AIPCE-CEP Position as regards the European Commission Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate...

  • Publications

AIPCE Statement concerning cod fishing in the Eastern Baltic 2008

This position statement was adopted at the AIPCE General Assembly in Poland on the 12th October 2007. AIPCE at the same meeting adopted unanimously the...